California State Parks (CSP) also known as the California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Dataset Title: California State Park Boundaries 2011_2012 Copyright 2008, 2012 California State Parks. All rights reserved. For general reference and not for property boundary determination. Monitor for the latest information. See metadata for contact information. Metadata revised 9/25/2013; boundaries, names, and codes are in continuous revision. Boundaries version unchanged to-date from posting of March 13, 2012. Park entry points and links to maps are current through September, 2013. See Google Earth KMZ below. Dataset Contents: dateTime fileSize fileName == Description --------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/13/2012 11:58 AM 75,674 CalParksBoundaries2011.dbf 03/10/2012 08:09 PM 468 CalParksBoundaries2011.prj 03/13/2012 11:57 AM 4,364 CalParksBoundaries2011.sbn 03/13/2012 11:57 AM 332 CalParksBoundaries2011.sbx 03/13/2012 11:58 AM 5,993,380 CalParksBoundaries2011.shp 09/25/2013 06:25 AM 48,890 CalParksBoundaries2011.shp.xml 03/13/2012 11:58 AM 3,652 CalParksBoundaries2011.shx == ESRI shapefile set at ArcMap 9.3.1 == Revised XML metadata above is in ArcGis 10.1 format, not FGDC == see revised FGDC CSDGM metadata in XML and text format below 09/23/2013 8,192 CalParksBoundaries2011_arc10.lyr 09/23/2013 8,192 CalParksBoundaries2011_arc931.lyr == Layer Files (ArcMap v9.3.1 and v10) renders polygons in semi-transparent green and enables the ArcMap hyperlink or "hotlink" tool for web pages (see field UNITURL) 09/25/2013 06:15 AM 42,262 CalParksBoundaries2011_fgdcMetadata20130925.xml == Revised FGDC metadata in XML format; exported from ArcToolbox 10.x > Export Metadata 09/25/2013 05:39 AM 48,010 calparksboundaries2011_fgdcmetadata_20130925.txt == Revised FGDC metadata as plain indented text 03/12/2012 52,047 calStateParkSystemMap2011.JPG == Browse graphic; low resolution; see metadata for link to full resolution version 09/25/2013 07:04 AM 5,303,589 CalParksBoundaries2011p.kmz == For visualizing Park boundaries and subunits in Google Earth v6.x and later; includes points at Park main entrances and links to Park web pages, park brochure maps, and campground maps ==end of file "CalParksBoundaries_readme.txt; revised 2012.03.13; 2013.09.25