WD-WaterUsers.mdb - Federal Water Contractors Mid-Pacific Region by Project, Division, Unit, Area Office, Settlement Contractors, Replacement Contractors, Repayment Contractors, Operational Agreement Contractors

Description Spatial Attributes

Theme: Hydrology, Water, District, Federal, Federal Water District, Boundary, Contractor, Incorporated Boundary, Irrigation, Agriculture, Municipal & Industrial, Water Use, Critical Habitat, Consolidated Place of Use, Land Class, Water Contractors, CVP, American River Division, CCAO, KBAO, LBAO, NCAO, SCCAO, Auburn Folsom South Unit, Buchanan Unit, Cachuma Project, County of Colusa, County of Fresno, County of Madera, County of Tulare, Cross Valley Contractors, Delta Division, East Side Division, Folsom Unit, Friant Division, Hidden Unit, Klamath Project, Mendota Pool Contractors, Napa County FCWCD, New Hogan Project, New Melones Unit, Operational Agreement Contractors, Orland Project, Placer County WA, Repayment Contractors, Replacement Contractors, Sacramento River Division, San Felipe Division, San Luis Unit, Santa Barbara County WA, Santa Maria Project, Settlement Contractors, Shasta County WA, Shasta Division, SJR Exchange Contractors, Solano Project, Trinity River Division, Ventura Project, West San Joaquin Division
Place: California, Oregon
Temporal: June 2009

Federal Water Contract boundaries are incorporated boundaries of districts having contracts with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation). This database is designed as an ESRI geodatabase.  The feature classes in the database are districts that are assembled or grouped by Project, Division, Unit, Replacement Contractors, Repayment Contractors,  Districts within all area offices, Settlement Contractors, Operational Agreement Contractors.   Updates are determined by the needs of the local office and are composited from separate databases. Boundaries are updated as changes are identified by the Water Districts. The boundaries are not current for all Water Districts found in the database at the same time due to the update methods employed. There may be conflicts in the boundaries between districts due to the time of update, the review process associated, and issues between each Water District. Other problems may be associated with Water District name changes that may not have been updated by the Water District. 
The Klamath area water districts were digitized under a contract that the Klamath area office held with UC Davis in 1990.  MPGIS received those districts from the Klamath Area Office GIS center.
This database represents the most current and accurate understanding of the boundary location and current name of the Water Districts.

Calculation of acreage should be performed on the individual Water Districts.  Please ensure that the appropriate conversion value is used. This data is stored in meters.

The Federal Water Contract boundaries database is cooperatively shared between the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), Mid-Pacific regional office (MP), MPGIS Service Center and the California Department of Water Resources (DWR). The Reclamation maintains this database with the voluntary assistance of the Federal Water Contractors. This database is used by Reclamation for various purposes including, but not limited to, contracting, operational, and maintenance purposes.

This database is not intended to be used as a land survey or representation of land for conveyance or tax purposes. The database is available to all users that may require this information.

Supplementary Information
Processing methodology is described under the Data Quality section. The following districts have been revised since 8/05: City of Santa Barbara, Clear Creek CSD, Colusa Co WD, Contra Costa WD, Davis WD, Dunnigan WD, East Bay MUD, El Dorado ID, San Benito WD, Shasta View ID, Goleta WD, Kanawha WD, Pachedo WD, Sekhorn transferred to Chen, Furlan transferred to Wallace. The following districts have been updated since 8/06: City of Roseville, Colusa Co. WD, County of Colusa, Contra Costa, Davis WD. Version 5 includes Broadview WD into Westlands WD Distribution District #1. Broadview no longer exists. Version 6 - Inclusion to El Dorado ID- Folsom, Westlands WD Distribution District #1, Corning WD matched to field borders. Version 7 - updates made to following districts: Clear Creek CSD, Contra Costa WD, El Dorado ID, Elk Creek, Maine Prairie WD, Solano ID.\
April 2008 - Leslie Butler now Dianne Butler.  New boundary created, R & B Hatfield from part of Butler property.
Version 9 has changes to City of Sacramento and East Bay MUD. Version 10 has
changes to East Bay MUD and Solano Co. Water Agency, a name change from Riverby Limited to Mesquite Investors, LLC and Family Real Property Limited Partnership,  a name change from Schreiner to Sioux Creek Property.
Version 11 changes include boundary inclusions/exclusions to Clear Creek CSD, Colusa Drain MWC, County of Colusa, East Bay MUD, Glenn Colusa ID, Holthouse WD, Myers Marsh WD, Westside WD.


Status of the data

Time period for which the data is relevant

Publication Information

Data storage and access information

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