Identification_Information: Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: U.S. Geological Survey Originator: Teale Data Center GIS Solutions Group Originator: California Department of Transportation Originator: California Department of Fish and Game Title: 24K Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) Images - Trimmed Versions Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: raster digital data Online_Linkage: \\Molib01\GIS_Library\Maps\DRG_24K Description: Abstract: California 7.5 Minute by 7.5 Minute 1:24,000 and 1:25,000 Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) USGS Quad Images - Trimmed Versions. Purpose: Display topographic map images. Supplemental_Information: -- BEGIN ORIGINAL DRG METADATA - THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE CURRENT -- CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME (DFG) GIS METADATA California 7.5 Minute by 7.5 Minute 1:24,000 and 1:25,000 Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) USGS Quad Images (Standard and Trimmed Versions) and Associated Quad Index Coverage DATA TYPES: Images and associated vector-format index METADATA DATE: 2002.07.19 RELATED DATA .tif = DRG image .tfw = DRG image world file drg24.shp = DFG-provided vector-format DRG and quad index drg24.txt = DFG-provided metadata for DRG images and index drglistupdates.dbf = List of updated DRGs in 2nd edition set UPDATES 2001.05.15 Combined current Teale/DFG 24K indexes, metadata edits. 2002.07 General note - the index is believed to document the current "2nd edition" set of imagery that includes 332 re-scanned images produced by Teale from updated maps issued by USGS. These re-scans were done between approximately 11/1999 and 3/2000. A list of these updated images is available in a separate file named drglistupdates.dbf that was provided by Teale. 2002.07 The 2nd edition set of imagery now includes 3 corrected DRGs that replaced images that were discovered to be incorrectly georeferenced. The 3 quads that were corrected are: o38121f8 Madison o38121g8 Zamora o38121h5 Nicolaus These quads are also part of group of 24K maps produced by USGS in the NAD83 datum instead of NAD27. Because the NAD83 maps cover a slightly different extent of ground coverage, missing data may be evident along some of the sides when edgematched with neighboring NAD27 quads. The following 2 quads in the 2nd edition set were also discovered to have been produced in NAD83 but were correctly georeferenced: o38121e4 Sacramento East o38121e5 Sacramento West Together, these 5 NAD83 maps differ from the other NAD83 maps documented in the attached Teale metadata in the way they were processed. Teale's original approach was to patch-in data from earlier NAD27 maps to cover the missing data areas. The 5 DRGs listed above have not been patched. 2002.07 Notice of trimmed version usage limitation was removed from the metadata as there are currently no usage or access limitations to the data. 2003.03 Corrections made to some CNPSCODE attributes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS State of California, Stephen P. Teale Data Center, GIS Solutions Group (Teale): statewide DRG production and preliminary index; Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES): compilation of DRG quad dates and other attributes; California Department of Fish and Game, Information Technology Branch: non-standard quad boundaries, quad currentness year information and enhanced index compilation. IMAGERY DESCRIPTION Digital Raster Graphics are PackBit-compressed tiff images of USGS paper quadrangle maps. Two versions are available, standard (untrimmed - filename begins with an "o") and trimmed (filename may begin with with a "t"). Trimmed versions have been clipped to the map neat line, or in the case of irregular DRGs, to their outer map extent, removing the collar that contains legends and descriptive text. This enables side by side display without areas being overlapped by adjacent map collars. IMAGE PROCESSING NOTES (ADAPTED FROM TEALE METADATA) Standard Image Methodology: - Image is scanned at 400 dpi, and colors normalized to 13 RGB values. - Image is converted to Arc Info grid file - Grid file undergoes descreening to eliminate scatter and enhance solid fills in areas such as water bodies and forests. - Grid file is registered to Albers projection. - Grid file is converted to .tif image with PackBit compression option. Trimmed Image Methodology: - Standard image is re-converted to Grid file. - Grid file is trimmed to its neatline or outer map extent. - Trimmed grid file is converted to .tif image with PackBit compression option. INDEX COVERAGE DESCRIPTION Drg24 is an ARC/INFO coverage which indexes three separate U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) map series and the Department of Fish and Game's statewide inventory of SPOTView satellite images. drg24 also provides essential information on the dates of currency of one of the map series as well as other map attributes such as USGS quad name, stock number and other reference codes, hardcopy format (size), and scanned image (DRG) file size. The index map itself consists of a vector representation of the boundaries of the USGS 7.5'-series, 1:24,000-scale quadrangles (quads), with extensions into neighboring states, totalling slightly more than 3000 polygons. Each quad polygon has a corresponding record in the table drg24.pat which contains 7.5' quad attributes and the names and identifiers of larger, enclosing maps: the USGS 30x60'-series, 1:100,000-scale quads (100K) and the USGS 1x2-degree-series, 1:250,000-scale quads (250K). Drg24.pat also contains the name of the SPOTView satellite image covering a particular 7.5' quad, as well as the CD-ROM disk number and file name of the Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) scanned image of the 7.5' quad. The majority of the index boundaries were automatically generated with the ARC/INFO 'GENERATE' command with the 'GRID' option. The automatic grid was edited to precisely correspond to boundaries of published, USGS hardcopy maps in areas of non-standard quads along the coast, Channel Islands, and along neighboring state borders. The intended uses of drg24 include: search for the proper DRG and/or SPOTView images for GIS applications, updating quad information, map digitizing, generating custom quad indexes and quad purchase lists, automating project metadata, etc. IMAGE VITAL STATISTICS Resolution: 400 d.p.i., approximately 1.5 meters per pixel Projection: Albers Units: Meters 1st Std. Parallel: 34 00 00 (34.0 degrees N) 2nd Std. Parallel: 40 30 00 (40.5 degrees N) Longitude of Origin: -120 00 00 (120.0 degrees W) Latitude of Origin: 00 00 00 (0.0 degrees) False Easting (X shift): 0 False Northing (Y shift): -4,000,000 Datum: NAD 27 Spheroid: Clarke 1866 Source: U.S.G.S. Source Media: Map sheets Source Projection: vary Source Units: Meters Source Scale: 1:24,000, 11 DRGs are 1:25,000 Capture Method: Scanned Conversion Software: ARC/INFO rev. 7.2.1 Data Structure: Raster Size of DRGs: Range 2 - 40 MB, 13 MB on average per image Approxmiately 40 Gigabytes statewide Use limitations: None INDEX COVERAGE VITAL STATISTICS Datum: NAD 27 Projection: Albers Units: Meters 1st Std. Parallel: 34 00 00 2nd Std. Parallel: 40 30 00 Longitude of Origin: -120 00 00 Latitude of Origin: 00 00 00 False Easting (X shift): 0.0 False Northing (Y shift): -4,000,000 Sources: ARC/INFO GENERATE GRID; Source Media: On-line Source Projection: Geographic (latitude/longitude) Source Units: Decimal Degrees Source Scale: n/a Capture Method: n/a Conversion Software: ARC/INFO rev. 7.0.3; ARCVIEW 3.1 Data Structure: Vector ARC/INFO Coverage Type: Polygon ARC/INFO Precision: Double ARC/INFO Tolerances: Fuzzy = 1207.343 V; Dangle = 0.000 V Number of Features: 3059 Layer Size: Appx. 7 megabytes (.E00 export) Data Updated: March 1999 INDEX COVERAGE DATA DICTIONARY Structure of index attribute table ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC DESCRIPTION AREA 8 18 F 5 Area of polygon, square meters PERIMETER 8 18 F 5 Polygon perimeter, meters DRG24# 4 5 B - ARC/INFO internal record number DRG24-ID 4 5 B - User-assignable identifier Q24NAME 27 27 C - USGS 7.5' quad name Q24YEAR 4 4 C - Latest year shown on DRG quad image Q24SCAN 8 8 C - File name of 7.5' DRG quad image CD 3 3 C - CD number DRG image resides on FILESIZE 2 2 I - Approx. size of DRG tiff image (MB) YEAR 4 4 C - Most recent year appearing on map YRORIGMAP 4 4 C - Year of original USGS mapping YRREVISION 4 4 C - Year of revision YRAIRPHOTO 4 4 C - Year of aerial photography YRFIELDCK 4 4 C - Year quad was field-checked YRPHTOTOPO 4 4 C - Year of revision aerial photography YRREVSOURC 4 4 C - Year of revision source data YRPHTOINSP 4 4 C - Year of photo-inspection LIBUPDATE 4 4 C - Replacement date in Teale library SOUTH 8 10 F 5 Southern limit of 7.5' quad (DD) NORTH 8 10 F 5 Northern limit of 7.5' quad (DD) EAST 8 10 F 5 Eastern limit of 7.5' quad (DD) WEST 8 10 F 5 Western limit of 7.5' quad (DD) SE_COR_LON 9 9 C - Longitude of southeast corner (DMS) SE_COR_LAT 9 9 C - Latitude of southeast corner (DMS) CONTOURINT 10 10 C - Contour interval (main) CONINTRMIT 10 10 C - Contour interval (intermittent) VERT_DATUM 15 15 C - Vertical datum (for elevations) KSCALE 2 2 C - Original map scale (1:24,000/25) FORMAT 12 12 C - Hardcopy map format (geographic) QUADSIZE 1 1 C - Flags non-standard quad sizes etc. PROJECTION 80 80 C - Original USGS 7.5' quad projection NOTES 175 175 C - Processing or other detail notes MAPNAME 31 31 C - Teale name for USGS 7.5' quad SCANNAME 30 30 C - Teale name for DRG scan file MAPNAME25 20 20 C - USGS name for 1:25,000 scale quad STATE1 2 2 C - One of two states a quad is in STATE2 2 2 C - Other of two states a quad is in BORDER 2 2 C - Flags quads bordering California OCODE 8 8 C - Teale code for DRG quad image file STOCKNO 8 8 C - USGS Stock Number for 7.5' quad REF_CODE 25 25 C - USGS reference code for 7.5' quad USGSCODE 7 7 C - USGS code for degree block of quad QUADCODE 7 7 C - DFG code equivalent to USGSCODE CNPSCODE 4 4 C - CA Native Plant Society quad code CCC_CODE 3 3 C - CA Coastal Commission quad code UTM_ZONE 2 2 C - UTM Zone (10 or 11) of 7.5' quad UTM_MGRS 4 4 C - UTM w/Military Grid Reference Sys. CCSZONE27 1 1 C - Stateplane zone, NAD 27 CCSCODE27 4 4 C - Stateplane zone code, NAD 27 CCSMIX 4 4 C - Flags quads in multiple CCS zones CCSZONE83 1 1 C - Stateplane zone, NAD 83 CCSCODE83 4 4 C - Stateplane zone code, NAD 83 BASEMERID 1 1 C - Public Land Survey Base/Meridian DETAILED INDEX COVERAGE ITEM DESCRIPTIONS: ----- AREA 8 18 F 5 Area of polygon, square meters PERIMETER 8 18 F 5 Polygon perimeter, meters DRG24# 4 5 B - ARC/INFO internal record number DRG24-ID 4 5 B - User-assignable identifier These are default ARC/INFO fields (items). Users are cautioned not to rely on uniqueness of DRG24-ID. ----- Q24NAME 27 27 C - USGS 7.5' quad name This is the name of the USGS 7.5'-series, 1:24,000-scale topographic quad, spelled exactly as it appears on the hardcopy, published map, including punctuation in abbreviated names (e.g. SHINN MTN.) ----- Q24YEAR 4 4 C - Most recent year appearing on map State of California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES) inventoried date information from the actual DRG image files. Q24YEAR is a duplicate of item YEAR below, positioned here for convenience in viewing together with Q24NAME. ----- Q24SCAN 8 8 C - File name of 7.5' DRG CD 3 3 C - CD number DRG image resides on These items tell where to find the DRG scan file of a particular USGS 7.5' quad, both Trimmed and Standard (untrimmed) versions. Q24SCAN is the same as item OCODE for all quads that Teale has scanned in the statewide DRG project. There are 79 total CDs in the set. Drg24 has some quads that are not available through Teale or DFG in image format ----- these have a "No Scan" entry for Q24SCAN. These images may be available through USGS or other vendors. The Q24SCAN identifies each Teale DRG quad image file. The complete file set for a DRG quad image has an "o" prefix, a .tif suffix, and an additional "world file" with suffix .tfw. Example: SPRINGVILLE: SCANCD 53: o36118b7.tif, o36118b7.tfw. Both the .tif and .tfw files must be in the same directory for proper display of the DRG quad image in ArcView or ARC/INFO. The Trimmed versions of 24K DRG images may have a first letter of "t" instead of "o" in the file name to indicate that it is the trimmed version. Q24SCAN is based on the USGS code for a one-degree block of latitude/longitude with a suffixed alphanumeric specifying the quad position within the 8 x 8 quad block. Example: SPRINGVILLE o36118b7 The one-degree block's southeast corner is 36 North latitude, 118 W longitude. The a,b,c to h codes identify rows of 7.5' quads, increasing northward from the southeast corner of the block. The 1,2,3 to 8 codes identify the columns of quads, increasing westward from the southeast corner of the block. ----- FILESIZE 2 2 I - Standard (untrimmed) DRG file size Approximate size of tiff image file in megabytes. Trimmed version images are about 10% smaller than untrimmed. ----- YEAR 4 4 C - Most recent year appearing on map YRORIGMAP 4 4 C - Year of original USGS mapping YRREVISION 4 4 C - Year of revision YRAIRPHOTO 4 4 C - Year of aerial photography YRFIELDCK 4 4 C - Year quad was field-checked YRPHTOTOPO 4 4 C - Year of revision aerial photography YRREVSOURC 4 4 C - Year of revision source data YRPHTOINSP 4 4 C - Year of photo-inspection This collection of year items is one of several kinds of information compiled by the State of California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES) from the viewing of actual DRG scanned images of USGS 7.5' quads. ----- SOUTH 8 10 F 5 Southern limit of 7.5' quad (DD) NORTH 8 10 F 5 Northern limit of 7.5' quad (DD) EAST 8 10 F 5 Eastern limit of 7.5' quad (DD) WEST 8 10 F 5 Western limit of 7.5' quad (DD) These items give decimal degree coordinates for the bounding box around a given 7.5' quad. The domain of values for the minutes/seconds of a degree in regular 7.5' quads is: 00'00" ----- .00000 07'30" ----- .12500 15'00" ----- .25000 22'30" ----- .37500 30'00" ----- .50000 37'30" ----- .62500 45'00" ----- .75000 52'30" ----- .87500 DFG/ITB derived actual decimal degree limits for the DRG scans of those quads that have irreglar boundaries (Channel Islands and certain quads along the California coast). By ARC/INFO convention, west longitudes are negative. ----- SE_COR_LON 9 9 C - Longitude of southeast corner (DMS) SE_COR_LAT 9 9 C - Latitude of southeast corner (DMS) Southeast corner coordinates are given for each 7.5' quad in units of degrees, minutes, and seconds of north latitude and west longitude (unsigned). This is exact only for regular 7.5' quad boundaries. For irregular quads, these are nominal values only (see SOUTH, NORTH, etc above). ----- CONTOURINT 10 10 C - Contour interval (main) CONINTRMIT 10 10 C - Contour interval (intermittent) Compiled by OES. Units of feet or meters are given in the actual field entries. ----- VERT_DATUM 15 15 C - Vertical datum (for elevations) The vertical datum on a quad specifies the zero point for elevation data. Compiled by OES. VERT_DATUM has either "NGVD 29" or "Mean Sea Level" entries. In 1971, USGS made official the designation "National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929" for all quads mapped on the North American Datum (horizontal) of 1927 (NAD27). NGVD 29, a sea-level datum, is now superceded by NGVD 88 for use with NAD 83. Differences between NGVD 29 and NGVD 88 in California are on the order of a meter or so. ----- KSCALE 2 2 C - Original map scale (1:24,000/25) Scale of the quad as two digits from the representative fraction: 24 = 1:24,000; 25 = 1:25,000. Most 7.5' quads are at the 1:24,000 scale. Exceptions are the 1:25,000-scale "double" quads (See QUADSIZE = D). ----- FORMAT 12 12 C - Hardcopy map format (geographic) Format of the quad in geographic minutes. "Regular" quads are designated with format = 7.5x7.5'; Irregular quads occur in the Channel Islands and along the California coast, and in the 1:25,000, 7.5x15' "double quad" set. ----- QUADSIZE 1 1 C - Flags non-standard quad sizes etc. This item is a single character that flags the condition of a quad's standard (regular) or irregular dimensions: Value Description S 'Standard'; regular 7.5x7.5' format W 'Wide' format; oversized in the X-axis T 'Tall' format; oversized in the Y-axis O 'Oversized' in both X and Y axes D 'Double' quad; part of 1:25,000-scale set ----- PROJECTION 80 80 C - Original USGS 7.5' quad projection Compiled by OES. Projection as shown on the original hardcopy quad scanned by Teale into the DRG image. Examples: Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 10; California Coordinate System, Zone 1 (aka State Plane) ----- NOTES 175 175 C - Processing or other detail notes Compiled by OES/Teale. Explanatory notes about the original hardcopy map, the DRG, etc. ----- MAPNAME 31 31 C - Teale map name for USGS 7.5' quad SCANNAME 30 30 C - Teale map name as used with DRG MAPNAME25 20 20 C - USGS name for 1:25,000 scale quad Alternative names for a given USGS 7.5' quad. Names are problematic as keys in digital databases due to varying methods of spelling, abbreviations, inclusion or exclusion of punctuation marks, etc. Users may wish to reference OCODE or STOCKNO to uniquely identify a quad or DRG file. ----- STATE1 2 2 C - One of two states a quad is in STATE2 2 2 C - Other of two states a quad is in These items identify quads that are very near state borders or those that actually overlap state or international borders. No dominant proportion of a state within the quad is intended with the "1" and "2" designations. A combination of these items and BORDER below may be needed to identify quads which overlap more than two states. ----- BORDER 2 2 C - Flags quads bordering California Quads in the vicinity of neighboring states are flagged in the BORDER item, as well as quads covering California offshore islands: Value Description AZ Quad contains the Arizona state border or is wholly within Arizona IS Quad covers all or part of an offshore island MX Quad contains the Mexico border NO Quad does not contain a state border and is not part of an island NV Quad contains the Nevada border or is wholly within Nevada OR Quad contains the Oregon border or is wholly within Oregon ----- OCODE 8 8 C - Teale code for DRG quad image file The OCODE uniquely identifies each 7.5' quad in Drg24. OCODE is based on the USGSCODE for a one-degree block of latitude/longitude with a suffixed alphanumeric specifying the quad position within the 8 x 8 quad block. Teale prefixes an "o" to all OCODES. Example: SPRINGVILLE o36118b7 The one-degree block's southeast corner is 36 North latitude, 118 W longitude. The a,b,c to h codes identify rows of 7.5' quads, increasing northward from the southeast corner of the block. The 1,2,3 to 8 codes identify the columns of quads, increasing westward from the southeast corner of the block. OCODE is identical to Q24SCAN for all quads Teale has scanned in the statewide DRG set. NOTE: Irregular quads may have boundaries that extend beyond a normal 7.5' x 7.5' cell. In such cases the alphanumeric cell that contains the southeast corner of the quad is used to create the OCODE and Q24SCAN. Example: SHUBRICK PEAK o40124b2, not a2; LONG BEACH o33118f2, not g2 ----- STOCKNO 8 8 C - USGS Stock Number for 7.5' quad Use this code to order hardcopy maps directly from USGS. Government agencies enjoy a 25% discount for orders of 100 or more, from the normal $4 per 7.5' quad. ----- REF_CODE 25 25 C - USGS reference code for 7.5' quad Compiled by OES from viewing DRG quad images of actual hardcopy maps. The REF_CODE string concatenates the USGSCODE, a quad type code, and the quad scale. Example: SPRINGVILLE 36118-B7-TF-024, decodes as one-degree block 36N/118W, quad B7 (see OCODE above), Topographic, Feet (elevation units), and 1:24,000-scale. Other formats for REF_CODE also exist: Example: SAN LUIS OBISPO N3500-W12030/7.5x8.5, decodes as follows: the southeast corner of the quad is 35 degrees, 00 minutes north latitude, 120 degrees, 30 minutes west longitude. The format is (non-standard) 7.5 minutes of latitude by 8.5 minutes of longitude (See also QUADSIZE = W). ----- USGSCODE 7 7 C - USGS code for degree block of quad QUADCODE 7 7 C - DFG code equivalent to USGSCODE These two codes are equivalent, except that QUADCODE is a legacy from DFG's California Natural Diversity Data Base (CNDDB). QUADCODE substitutes numbers for the letters in USGSCODE. See the OCODE description above for decoding. ----- CNPSCODE 4 4 C - CA Native Plant Society quad code The CNPSCODE is also a legacy from the CNDDB above, and may still be in use by other agencies such as the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the USDA Forest Service. Example: CRESTVIEW 452C, decodes with the numeric part referencing a 15' block of 4 x 4 quads (corresponding to the now obsolete USGS 15'-series, 1:62,500-scale quads), the alpha part refers to the corners of the block: A - NE, B - NW, C - SW, and D - SE. ----- CCC_CODE 3 3 C - CA Coastal Commission quad code The California Coastal Commission is responsible for the administration of zoning regulations within the California Coastal Zone (CZ). The CCC has numbered each of the quads near or containing the CZ from 1 to 181. ----- UTM_ZONE 2 2 C - UTM Zone (10 or 11) of 7.5' quad UTM_MGRS 4 4 C - UTM w/Military Grid Reference Sys. These codes identify the location of each 7.5' quad within the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone. UTM Zone 11 is east of 120 W longitude, and UTM Zone 10 is west of 120 W longitude. UTM_MGRS refers to the Military Grid Reference System, which specifies an 8-degree latitude zone within a UTM Zone. In California, UTM_MGRS = 10 S specifies UTM Zone 10, 32 to 40 degrees N; 10 T specifies 40 to 48 degrees N latitude. The same structure applies to UTM Zone 11. UTM_MGRS is typically displayed on GPS receivers, where the "S" should not be confused as indicating "South". ----- CCSZONE27 1 1 C - Stateplane zone, NAD 27 CCSCODE27 4 4 C - Stateplane zone code, NAD 27 CCSMIX 4 4 C - Flags quads in multiple CCS zones CCSZONE83 1 1 C - Stateplane zone, NAD 83 CCSCODE83 4 4 C - Stateplane zone code, NAD 83 The California Coordinate System (CCS, also known as State Plane) divides the entire state into 7 zones under NAD 27 (Los Angeles County alone is in CCSZONE27 = 7). There are 6 zones under NAD 83 (Los Angeles is now part of CCSZONE83 = 5). Each 7.5' quad in Drg24 is coded for the CCS zone that overlaps the majority of its area. CCSMIX contains compound entries to indicate multiple CCS zones overlapping a particular quad. CCSCODE27 and CCSCODE83 refer to the Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) codes for the CCS zones. These codes are used as arguments in the ARC/INFO PROJECT command, to convert coverages to/from State Plane coordinates. ----- BASEMERID 1 1 C - Public Land Survey Base/Meridian There are 3 Public Land Survey baseline and meridian sets in California: H = Humboldt; M = Mount Diablo; and S = San Bernardino. Each 7.5' quad in Drg24 is coded for the set that overlaps the majority of its area. ----- SPECIAL NOTES: USGS 1:25,000-Scale (25K) Topographic Maps There are 10 quads in California (vicinity of Trinity, Shasta, and Tehama Counties) and one along the Nevada border that have a 7.5x15' format (aka 'double quads'). Teale's DRG processing of these quads involved a complete scan of the double quad for the Standard (untrimmed) DRG version, and a clipping to the 1:24,000-scale ('single') quad boundary for the Trimmed DRG version. The trimmed versions are thus presented as two DRG files per 25K quad (except for Dogskin Mtn, NV). DFG has retained older USGS 7.5' names in the item QUADNAME. These are listed below with the currently official USGS names applied to the 'double' quads. OCODE QUADNAME (Teale Trimmed DRG) USGS Name (Teale Standard DRG) o39119h8 SEVEN LAKES MTN. DOGSKIN MTN (NV) (west half only as trimmed) (full quad as untrimmed) o40122a7 SOUTH YOLLA BOLLY SOUTH YOLLA BOLLY o40122a8 SOLOMON PEAK SOUTH YOLLA BOLLY o40122b7 TOMHEAD MTN. NORTH YOLLA BOLLY o40122b8 NORTH YOLLA BOLLY NORTH YOLLA BOLLY o40122c5 ROSEWOOD CHICKABALLY MTN o40122c6 CHICKABALLY MTN. CHICKABALLY MTN o40122c7 BEEGUM BEEGUM o40122c8 PLATINA BEEGUM o40122d5 ONO ONO o40122d6 TAR BULLY ONO o40122d7 ARBUCKLE MTN. CHANCHELULLA PEAK o40122d8 CHANCHELULLA PEAK CHANCHELULLA PEAK o40123a1 WRIGHTS RIDGE FOUR CORNERS ROCK o40123a2 FOUR CORNERS ROCK FOUR CORNERS ROCK o40123b1 BLACK ROCK MTN. BLACK ROCK MTN o40123b2 SWIM RIDGE BLACK ROCK MTN o40123c1 PONY BUCK PEAK PONY BUCK PEAK o40123c2 SMOKY CREEK PONY BUCK PEAK o40123d1 WILDWOOD DUBAKELLA MTN o40123d2 DUBAKELLA MOUNTAIN DUBAKELLA MTN INDEX COVERAGE DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT The following are subjective remarks on the quality of Drg24 data. Automatically generated quad boundaries were derived from latitude and longitude values in decimal degrees and projected with ARC/INFO into the Albers Conic Equal-Area coordinates. Precision limits are those of the software. Attribute completeness is good for all quads. Quad currentness year is subject to periodic updates. Some quads outside California have incomplete records. Coverage entries for quad names containing abbreviations such as MTN for mountain, MT for mount, etc, may be mismatched with names as they appear on actual published quad sheets. Discrepencies may also exist among coverage entries and published, USGS map catalogs and hardcopy indexes. DATA CONTACTS USGS Quadrangle Maps: Department of Interior U.S. Geological Survey National Mapping Division 1-800-275-8747 Digital Raster Graphics (Scanned California 7.5' quads): State of California Stephen P. Teale Data Center GIS Solutions Group Roger Ewers, (916) 263-1488 DFG SPATIAL DATA DISTRIBUTION Paul Veisze, Lora Konde, Will Patterson, METADATA CONTACTS Will Patterson, DFG GIS Analyst (916) 323-1484; Email: Paul Veisze, DFG GIS Manager (916) 323-1667; Email: ORIGINAL METADATA Attached below is the original Teale Data Center-provided metadata file for the trimmed-version 7.5'/24K DRG images. --- begin Teale-provided metadata --- LIBRARY : LAYER NAME : NAME : DRG - Digital Raster Graphic USGS 7.5' Quad Images (full sheet) LOCATION : /drgcomp/q24k/(directory by degree block) (Images are compressed with gzip) COVERAGE DESCRIPTION: Digital Raster Graphics are PackBit-compressed tiff images of USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle maps. There are 2,851 images covering the entire state of California. Teale Data Center created the DRGs for California on behalf of USGS. Teale's DRGs differ from those produced by USGS in terms of resolution and projection. BRIEF METHODOLOGY: - Map is scanned at 400 dpi, and image colors normalized to 13 RGB values. - Image is converted to Arc Info grid file - Grid file undergoes descreening to enhance solid fill areas - Grid file is registered to albers coordinate system. - Grid file is converted to .tif image with PackBit compression option. VITAL STATISTICS: Resolution: 400 d.p.i., approximately 1.5 meters per pixel Projection: Albers Units: Meters 1st Std. Parallel: 34 00 00 (34.0 degrees N) 2nd Std. Parallel: 40 30 00 (40.5 degrees N) Longitude of Origin: -120 00 00 (120.0 degrees W) Latitude of Origin: 00 00 00 (0.0 degrees) False Easting (X shift): 0 False Northing (Y shift): -4,000,000 Datum: NAD 27 Spheroid: Clarke 1866 Source: U.S.G.S. Source Media: Map sheets Source Projection: vary Source Units: Meters Source Scale: 1:24,000, 11 DRGs are 1:25,000 Capture Method: Scanned Conversion Software: ARC/INFO rev. 7.2.1 Data Structure: Raster Size of DRGs: Range 2 - 40 MB, 13 MB on average per image 40 Gigabytes statewide Use limitation: None - public domain data Data Updated: December 1998 FILE NAMES There are 64 DRGs in each 1 degree block of longitude and latitute, filling 8 rows and 8 columns, except for incomplete blocks along the state boundary. DRG files are named according to USGS 'ocode' designation. example: o35116a7.tif 35 degree of latitude 116 degree of longitude a row (a-h south to north) 7 column (1-8 east to west) Some quad maps of islands and coastal areas are irregularly sized and/or positioned. File names for these images are determined by which quad their south east corner falls in. In three instances this creates a discrepancy with the USGS code: Filename Map Name USGS ocode o40124a2 SHUBRICK PEAK o40124b2 o33118f2 LONG BEACH o33118g2 o33118d8 SANTA BARBARA ISLAND o33119d1 TFW FILES Each DRG has an accompanying 'world' file with the same file name, but with a .tfw extension, that contains geo-referencing information: example: o35116a7.tfw 1.52786215012960 pixel size (meters) 0.00000000000000 rotation factor 0.00000000000000 rotation factor -1.52786215012960 pixel size 284543.57694197021192 image min x (meters) (NW -316411.17369714472443 image max y (meters) Corner) The min x and min y coordinates relate to the image itself, and not the latitude longitude values at the map corner. Coordinates are in albers projection. COLORS Colors on the DRGs have been normalized to 13 RGB values: 0 0 0 black 255 255 255 white 91 159 230 dark blue 230 45 30 red 162 96 71 dark brown 210 255 177 green 197 101 197 dark magenta 255 240 0 yellow 202 225 245 light blue 255 202 197 light red 250 202 250 light magenta 230 230 230 light grey 222 167 146 light brown DRG24.DBF - dbase file that contains metadata for each quad. This file is found on the metadata CD (#80). DRG.DBF fields: COL ITEM NAME WDTH OPUT TYP N.DEC 1 FILENAME 8 8 C - 9 MAPNAME 30 30 C - 39 MAPNAME25 20 20 C - 59 CD 3 3 C - 62 FILESIZE 2 2 I - 64 MAPSCALE 8 8 C - 72 FORMAT 20 20 C - 92 REF_CODE 25 25 C - 117 YEAR 4 4 C - 121 YRORIGMAP 4 4 C - 125 YRREVISION 4 4 C - 129 YRAIRPHOTO 4 4 C - 133 YRFIELDCK 4 4 C - 137 YRPHTOTOPO 4 4 C - 141 YRREVSOURC 4 4 C - 145 YRPHTOINSP 4 4 C - 149 LIBUPDATE 8 8 C - 157 SOUTH 8 10 F 5 165 NORTH 8 10 F 5 173 EAST 8 10 F 5 181 WEST 8 10 F 5 189 SE_COR_LON 9 9 C - 198 SE_COR_LAT 9 9 C - 207 CONTOURINT 10 10 C - 217 CONINTRMIT 10 10 C - 227 VERT_DATUM 15 15 C - 242 STATE1 2 2 C - 244 STATE2 2 2 C - 246 TYPE 1 1 C - 247 PROJECTION 80 80 C - 327 NOTES 175 175 C - FILENAME USGS coding convention for 7.5 X 7.5 minute quads. MAPNAME Name of 7.5 X 7.5 minute quad map MAPNAME25 Name of 1:25,000 scale, 7.5 X 15 minute quad map (see note below) CD CD number - index to which CD the image is on #32A and #32B replace #32 due to increased file size of updated DRGs FILESIZE Approximate size of tiff image file in megabytes. Trimmed version images are about 10% smaller than untrimmed. MAPSCALE Scale of scanned map FORMAT Dimension in Minutes of map, N-S X E-W REF_CODE USGS reference code YEAR Most recent year that appears on the map. YRORIGMAP Year of original map YRREVISION Year of map revision YRAIRPHOTO Year of aerial photography used for revision YRFIELDCK Year of field check YRPHTOTOPO Year of aerial photography used for topography base YRREVSOURC Year of source data for revision YRPHTOINSP Year of photo inspection LIBUPDATE Date (YYYYMMDD) of updated image replacement in Teale library SOUTH Southern extent of map area, decimal degrees NORTH Northern extent of map area, decimal degrees EAST Eastern extent of map area, decimal degrees WEST Western extent of map area, decimal degrees (SOUTH, NORTH, EAST and WEST are used for trimming DRGs to their neatline, or in the case of irregular DRGs, to the outer extent of the map area. SE_COR_LON Longitude at south-east corner, degrees minutes seconds SE_COR_LAT Latitude at south-east corner, degrees minutes seconds CONTOURINT Contour interval CONINTRMIT Intermittant contour interval VERT_DATUM Vertical Datum STATE1 State primarily covered in the image STATE2 State secondarily covered in the image TYPE Type (size) of map, to identify non-standard size maps S Standard 7.5 X 7.5 Minute T Tall >7.5 X 7.5 Minute W Wide 7.5 X >7.5 Minute O Oversize >7.5 X >7.5 Minute 2 Double 7.5 X 15.0 Minute I Island vary PROJECTION Projection of map sheet NOTES Notations 1:25,000 SCALE 7.5' x 15' USGS TOPO MAPS 21 DRGs are images of 1:25,000 scale 7.5' x 15' USGS topo maps. These USGS products were created in place of the 1:24,000 7.5 minute format in limited areas of the United States, and each map sheet covers an area equivalent to two adjacent 1:24,000 quads. These maps occur in portions of Trinity, Shasta and Tehama counties, and one area on the California-Nevada border. These DRGs are named according to their 1:24,000 map name. For example, ONO EAST (o40122d5) and ONO WEST (o40122d6) are identical images of the ONO 7.5 X 15 Minute map. FILENAME 1:24,000 MAP NAME 1:25,000 MAP NAME o39119h8 SEVEN LAKES MOUNTAIN DOGSKIN MTN o40122a7 SOUTH YOLLA BOLLY MOUNTAINS SOUTH YOLLA BOLLY o40122a8 SOLOMON PEAK SOUTH YOLLA BOLLY o40122b7 TOMHEAD MOUNTAIN NORTH YOLLA BOLLY o40122b8 NORTH YOLLA BOLLY NORTH YOLLA BOLLY o40122c5 CHICKABALLY MTN EAST CHICKABALLY MTN o40122c6 CHICKABALLY MTN WEST CHICKABALLY MTN o40122c7 BEEGUM BEEGUM o40122c8 PLATINA BEEGUM o40122d5 ONO EAST ONO o40122d6 ONO WEST ONO o40122d7 ARBUCKLE MOUNTAIN CHANCHELULLA PEAK o40122d8 CHANCHELULLA PEAK CHANCHELULLA PEAK o40123a1 WRIGHTS RIDGE FOUR CORNERS ROCK o40123a2 FOUR CORNERS ROCK FOUR CORNERS ROCK o40123b1 BLACK ROCK MOUNTAIN BLACK ROCK MTN o40123b2 SWIM RIDGE BLACK ROCK MTN o40123c1 PONY BUCK PEAK PONY BUCK PEAK o40123c2 SMOKY CREEK PONY BUCK PEAK o40123d1 WILDWOOD DUBAKELLA MTN o40123d2 DUBAKELLA MOUNTAIN DUBAKELLA MTN 7 DRGs were scanned from quad maps that have NAD83 corners: o38121e3 CARMICHAEL o38121e6 DAVIS o38121e7 MERRITT o38121f3 CITRUS HTS o38121f4 RIO LINDA o38121g3 ROSEVILLE o38121h4 SHERIDAN These images have been shifted back to NAD27 position, and minor edits have been made to map features at the neat lines. DRGINDEX COVERAGE POLYGON ATTRIBUTES DATAFILE NAME: DRGINDEX.PAT RECORD LENGTH: 70 COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 AREA 8 18 F 5 9 PERIMETER 8 18 F 5 17 DRGINDEX# 4 5 B - 21 DRGINDEX-ID 4 5 B - 25 OCODE 8 8 C - 33 MAPNAME 31 31 C - 64 USGS100 3 3 C - 67 USGS250 2 2 C - 69 CD 3 3 C - AREA: The area of the polygon in square coverage units. PERIMETER: The length of the polygon perimeter of the polygon in coverage units. DRGINDEX#: The software-assigned unique integer identification number. DRGINDEX-ID: A user-assigned identifier number. OCODE: USGS coding convention for 7.5 X 7.5 minute quads. MAPNAME: Name of 7.5 X 7.5 minute quad map. USGS100: Three character USGS code for 1 degree by 30 minute (100K) quad containing the polygon. USGS250: Two character USGS code for 2 degree by 1 degree (250K) quad containing the polygon. CD: CD number - index to which CD the image is on. The file size of updated images for CD 32 where large enough to necessitate the division of the area covered by CD #32 into two, resulting in #32A (north), and #32B (south). DATA CONTACT: Ray McDowell California Spatial Information Library (CaSIL) (916) 653-1369 DOCUMENTATION DATE: 12/15/1998, 3/23/99, 5/8/00 --- end Teale-provided metadata --- -- END ORIGINAL DRG METADATA -- Time_Period_of_Content: Time_Period_Information: Single_Date/Time: Calendar_Date: various Currentness_Reference: publication date Status: Progress: Complete Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: As needed Spatial_Domain: Bounding_Coordinates: West_Bounding_Coordinate: -124.5 East_Bounding_Coordinate: -114.0 North_Bounding_Coordinate: 42.0 South_Bounding_Coordinate: 32.5 Keywords: Theme: Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: none Theme_Keyword: maps Theme_Keyword: DRG Theme_Keyword: topo Theme_Keyword: topos Theme_Keyword: quads Theme_Keyword: quad Theme_Keyword: quadrangles Theme_Keyword: quadrangle Theme_Keyword: topographic map Theme_Keyword: boundaries Theme_Keyword: farming Theme_Keyword: biota Theme_Keyword: economy Theme_Keyword: planningCadastre Theme_Keyword: society Theme_Keyword: elevation Theme_Keyword: environment Theme_Keyword: structure Theme_Keyword: geoscientificInformation Theme_Keyword: health Theme_Keyword: imageryBaseMapsEarthCover Theme_Keyword: inlandWaters Theme_Keyword: location Theme_Keyword: intelligenceMilitary Theme_Keyword: oceans Theme_Keyword: transportation Theme_Keyword: utilitiesCommunication Place: Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: none Place_Keyword: California Access_Constraints: none Use_Constraints: none Native_Data_Set_Environment: Microsoft Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog Data_Quality_Information: Lineage: Spatial_Data_Organization_Information: Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Raster Spatial_Reference_Information: Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition: Planar: Map_Projection: Map_Projection_Name: Albers Conical Equal Area Albers_Conical_Equal_Area: Standard_Parallel: 34.000000 Standard_Parallel: 40.500000 Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -120.000000 Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 0.000000 False_Easting: 0.000000 False_Northing: -4000000.000000 Planar_Coordinate_Information: Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: coordinate pair Coordinate_Representation: Planar_Distance_Units: meters Geodetic_Model: Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1983 Ellipsoid_Name: Geodetic Reference System 80 Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.000000 Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257222 Entity_and_Attribute_Information: Distribution_Information: Resource_Description: Downloadable Data Metadata_Reference_Information: Metadata_Date: 20031021 Metadata_Contact: Contact_Information: Contact_Organization_Primary: Contact_Organization: California Department of Fish and Game Contact_Person: GIS Service Center Contact_Address: Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998 Metadata_Time_Convention: local time Metadata_Extensions: Online_Linkage: Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile