BEGIN_USGS_DOQ_HEADER * QUADRANGLE_NAME "INSKIP HILL" 3.45 or 7.5-min. name* QUADRANT NE quadrant indicator if cell size = 3.75-minutes* WEST_LONGITUDE -121 56 15.000 signed deg min sec SDDD MM SS.SSS* EAST_LONGITUDE -121 52 30.000 signed deg min sec SDDD MM SS.SSS* NORTH_LATITUDE 40 22 30.000 signed deg min sec SDDD MM SS.SSS* SOUTH_LATITUDE 40 18 45.000 signed deg min sec SDDD MM SS.SSS* PRODUCTION_DATE 2000 6 26 yyyy mm dd* RASTER_ORDER left_right/top_bottom video display order* BAND_ORGANIZATION "single file" single file or BSQ, or BIL or BIP* BAND_CONTENT BLACK&WHITE black&white or red green blue* BITS_PER_PIXEL 8 radiometric resolution* SAMPLES_AND_LINES 6098 7629 number of columns and rows* HORIZONTAL_DATUM NAD83 primary horizontal datum* HORIZONTAL_COORDINATE_SYSTEM UTM * COORDINATE_ZONE 10 coordinate system zone number* HORIZONTAL_UNITS meters coordinate system units* HORIZONTAL_RESOLUTION 1.00 pixel horiz. ground sample distance* SECONDARY_HORIZONTAL_DATUM NAD27 secondary horizontal datum* XY_ORIGIN 589799.000 4470293.000 coord. of upper left pixel pri. datum* SECONDARY_XY_ORIGIN 589894.817 4470096.816 coord upper left pixel sec datum* NATION US nation code* STATE CA state fip code* NW_QUAD_CORNER_XY 590197.452 4469921.692 XY coords. of pri. NW quad corner* NE_QUAD_CORNER_XY 595503.293 4469987.311 XY coords. of pri. NE quad corner* SE_QUAD_CORNER_XY 595591.488 4463049.790 XY coords. of pri. SE quad corner* SW_QUAD_CORNER_XY 590280.746 4462984.194 XY coords. of pri. SW quad corner* SECONDARY_NW_QUAD_XY 590199.843 4469710.944 XY coords. - sec. NW quad cor.* SECONDARY_NE_QUAD_XY 595505.825 4469776.566 XY coords. - sec. NE quad cor.* SECONDARY_SE_QUAD_XY 595594.018 4462839.163 XY coords. - sec. SE quad cor.* SECONDARY_SW_QUAD_XY 590283.136 4462773.565 XY coords. - sec. SW quad cor.* RMSE_XY 4.02 doq horiz. accuracy* IMAGE_SOURCE "BLACK AND WHITE FILM" b&w, cir, natural color, other* SOURCE_IMAGE_ID "NAPP 10502-085" source image id* SOURCE_IMAGE_DATE 1998 8 17 source image date as yyyy mm dd* SOURCE_DEM_DATE 1997 7 1 source dem date yyyy mm dd* AGENCY "WESTERN MAPPING CENTER (WMC)" oversight agency* PRODUCER "WOOLPERT LLP" producer/contractor* PRODUCTION_SYSTEM "INTERGRAPH ISPM, ISIR" production system* STANDARD_VERSION 1996 12 version of DOQ standard* METADATA_DATE 2000 6 26 date created or changed, yyyy mm dd* DATA_FILE_SIZE 46527740 data set size in bytes* BYTE_COUNT 6098 header byte count* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * END_USGS_HEADER *