********** CCaalliiffoorrnniiaa DDiiggiittaall OOrrtthhoo ((QQuuaarrtteerr)) QQuuaaddss DDOOQQQQss ********** ************ DDOOQQ IInnddiicceess ************ This directory currently contains four DOQ indices, that provide information about the collection of DOQ(Q)s in CaSIL. The four indices are: * doq_products - provides an at-a-glance view of the DOQ(Q)s in CaSIL, in relation to the full collection of files available from the USGS. Casual users should start by downloading this index first * doq_status - provides the status for each full/quarter quad; i.e. whether one exists in CaSIL. For those in CaSIL, it provides information whether newer DOQ(Q)s are available from USGS, or if they are the latest available DOQ(Q) for the current footprint * archive - detailed information about all the DOQ(Q)s in CaSIL. Use this index to obtain information about CaSIL DOQ(Q)s that are not contained in the doq_products index * available - detailed information about the DOQ(Q)s available from the USGS. This includes the files described in archive. Use this index to obtain information about available DOQ(Q)s from the USGS that are not contained in the doq_products index All of the indices are in the California Teale Albers, NAD 83 projection. Please refer to the associated XML metadata (forthcoming) to learn more about the four indices in this directory.