DATASHEETS The NGS Data SheetSee file dsdata.txt for more information about the datasheet.DATABASE = Sybase ,PROGRAM = datasheet, VERSION = 6.91 1 National Geodetic Survey, Retrieval Date = NOVEMBER 6, 2003 AF9702 *********************************************************************** AF9702 CORS - This is a GPS Continuously Operating Reference Station. AF9702 DESIGNATION - MT HAMILTON BARD CORS ARP AF9702 CORS_ID - MHCB AF9702 PID - AF9702 AF9702 STATE/COUNTY- CA/SANTA CLARA AF9702 USGS QUAD - LICK OBSERVATORY (1973) AF9702 AF9702 *CURRENT SURVEY CONTROL AF9702 ___________________________________________________________________ AF9702* NAD 83(CORS)- 37 20 29.50149(N) 121 38 33.22769(W) ADJUSTED AF9702* NAVD 88 - AF9702 ___________________________________________________________________ AF9702 EPOCH DATE - 2002.00 AF9702 X - -2,664,063.021 (meters) COMP AF9702 Y - -4,323,173.285 (meters) COMP AF9702 Z - 3,848,361.451 (meters) COMP AF9702 ELLIP HEIGHT- 1262.36 (meters) (03/??/02) GPS OBS AF9702 GEOID HEIGHT- -31.57 (meters) GEOID99 AF9702 AF9702 HORZ ORDER - SPECIAL (CORS) AF9702 ELLP ORDER - SPECIAL (CORS) AF9702 AF9702.ITRF positions are available for this station. AF9702.The coordinates were established by GPS observations AF9702.and adjusted by the National Geodetic Survey in March 2002. AF9702.The coordinates are valid at the epoch date displayed above. AF9702.The epoch date for horizontal control is a decimal equivalence AF9702.of Year/Month/Day. AF9702 AF9702 AF9702.The PID for the CORS L1 Phase Center is AJ7941. AF9702 AF9702.The XYZ, and position/ellipsoidal ht. are equivalent. AF9702 AF9702.The ellipsoidal height was determined by GPS observations AF9702.and is referenced to NAD 83. AF9702 AF9702.The geoid height was determined by GEOID99. AF9702 AF9702; North East Units Scale Converg. AF9702;SPC CA 3 - 594,011.515 1,898,762.325 MT 0.99995457 -0 41 58.2 AF9702;SPC CA 3 - 1,948,852.78 6,229,522.73 sFT 0.99995457 -0 41 58.2 AF9702 AF9702 SUPERSEDED SURVEY CONTROL AF9702 AF9702 NAD 83(CORS)- 37 20 29.49949(N) 121 38 33.22523(W) AD(1997.00) c AF9702 ELLIP H (07/??/98) 1262.41 (m) GP(1997.00) c c AF9702 AF9702.Superseded values are not recommended for survey control. AF9702.NGS no longer adjusts projects to the NAD 27 or NGVD 29 datums. AF9702.See file dsdata.txt to determine how the superseded data were derived. AF9702 AF9702_U.S. NATIONAL GRID SPATIAL ADDRESS: 10SFG2024033624(NAD 83) AF9702_MARKER: STATION IS THE ANTENNA REFERENCE POINT OF THE GPS ANTENNA AF9702 AF9702 STATION DESCRIPTION AF9702 AF9702'DESCRIBED BY NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY 2002 AF9702'STATION IS A GPS CORS. LATEST INFORMATION INCLUDING POSITIONS AND AF9702'VELOCITIES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COORDINATE AND LOG FILES ACCESSIBLE AF9702'BY ANONYMOUS FTP OR THE WORLDWIDE WEB. AF9702' FTP CORS.NGS.NOAA.GOV: CORS/COORD AND CORS/STATION_LOG AF9702' HTTP://WWW.NGS.NOAA.GOV UNDER PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. *** retrieval complete. Elapsed Time = 00:00:00