Landsat Imagery
CalView Landsat Images - By Band
This directory contains Landsat images for the State of
California, as part of the CalView project. The images have all been
reprojected to the California Albers Projection, NAD 83 datum, and
provided in GeoTiff format.
The images in this directory are organized according to band.
The naming convention of the directories is as follows:
- b10 = band 1
- b20 = band 2
- b30 = band 3
- b40 = band 4
- b50 = band 5
- b60 = band 6
- b70 = band 7
Whereas the images in the above directories contain a single band, the
b321 and b457 directories contain images that are composed of three bands:
- b321 = bands 30, 20, 10 (RGB)
- b457 = bands 40, 50, 70