Landsat Imagery h4. CalView Landsat Images - By Path/Row == This directory contains Landsat images for the State of California, as part of the CalView project. The images have all been reprojected to the California Albers Projection, NAD 83 datum, and provided in GeoTiff format. The images in this directory are organized according to path/row: the first two digits correspond to the WRS path, and the last two digits correspond to the WRS row. For example, the 44034 directory contains images in WRS path 44, WRS row 34. You can use the following client-side image map to navigate to the directory containing images from your desired path/row. Notice that the path/row extents overlap one another: for this reason, please click in the center of the polygon that represents your desired path/row. The path/row directory is also shown in the tooltip when you place your mouse on top of a path/row polygon, for browsers that support tooltips. ==